
The Council building (Photo: European Commission)
Co-decision is the general procedure of law making where the Commission proposes and the Council decides under a procedure giving growing influence to the EU Parliament (Article 251 TEC). The procedure is called “co-decision” or “conciliation procedure” because the EU Parliament is allowed to propose amendments and to veto the proposed laws.



In 2002, the Commission drew up 74 proposals under the co-decision procedure. The EU Council and Parliament finalised 79 dossiers. 20 of the proposals were adopted at first reading, 40 in two readings, and in 19 cases a Conciliation Committee was set-up. In 9 of these 19 cases a joint text was approved without discussion (an item). Environmental and social issues in particular required discussions.

The future

The EU Constitution proposes that this procedure shall become the general decision-making rule for EU legislation. This will strengthen the role of the EU Parliament.


See also the Convention working group on Simplification and the EU Constitution art. III-302.