- (Photo: John Porter)
The EU Commission financed, opinion poll institute. It organises periodic polls in the member countries and applicant states. It measures support for European integration and other issues. It issues two major reports on such surveys each year.
- In poll No. 57, undertaken in the spring of 2002, a majority of respondents in 11 of the 15 Member States said they would be indifferent or relieved if the existing EU was dissolved.
- 34 % would be very sorry if the EU was scrapped.
- Only in Luxembourg, Italy, Portugal and Ireland would the majority regret the breaking up of the EU.
- On the other hand, there was a 63% support for a European constitution with only 10% opposed.
- There was also support for enlargement of the EU in all countries except France.
- On average, 50% of all EU citizens support enlargement, with only 30% against it.