Independence/Democracy Group

(Photo: Independence / Democracy Group)

The Independence and Democracy Group (Ind/Dem) was set up in 2004, succeeding its forerunner, the EDD Group. The group incorporates EU-critics, eurosceptics and eurorealists and is generally against centralisation of EU power, promoting more democracy and transparency in the EU. The 'Independence' faction includes withdrawlists, such as UKIP.

The Ind/Dem Group gathers 37 MEPs from 10 countries, as follows: Czech Republic (1), Denmark (1), Greece (1), France (3), Ireland (1), Italy (4), Netherlands (2), Poland (10), Sweden (3) and UK (11).

The Ind/Dem Group is chaired by MEPs Jens-Peter Bonde (Denmark) and Nigel Farage (UK).
